Glf sas

Communication agencies, Advertising agencies

Glf s.a.s. has great experience in the various printing sectors, having a history that has lasted for almost three generations; the current corporate form was in fact born from the spin-off of a family-run company which for over 20 years worked in the industrial typography sector, transforming and evolving over time until it is now a young and dynamic company which, thanks to professionalism of the staff and the use of innovative equipment, is able to provide excellent quality products in a short time.
The company was founded in 2010 after a careful study and a valid investment plan in the Calabrian area and today it has achieved an appreciable position within the market with satisfactory results both in terms of works carried out and in terms of services offered .

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Società in Accomandita Semplice (S.a.S.)
Italiano, Inglese

Qualsiasi tipo di etichetta adesiva, packaging sostenibile, calendari, locandine, manifesti, volantini, pieghevoli, riviste, libri, cataloghi, cartelle

Marilena Alessandra Ciancio