Privacy Policy

In compliance with EU Reg. 2016/679 (European Data Protection Regulation) we provide you with the necessary information regarding the processing of your personal data.

1. Who is the data controller?
The controller of personal data is in accordance with the GDPR (European Data Protection Regulation, 679/2016): CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION Postal address: CITTADELLA REGIONE CALABRIA- LOCALITÀ GERMANETO 88100 CATANZARO Telephone: (+39) 0961 853836 Contact:

2. What are personal data?
Personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address or computer IP address.

3. How we use personal data and for what purposes
Your personal data are collected and processed by CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION for purposes strictly related to participation in the training events organised and the use of its websites and services. Your personal data may also be used in other processing operations, however, in terms compatible with these purposes. In particular, your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • in order to provide the requested service or to participate in events, forums, training courses, seminars, conferences organised by CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION ;
  • to receive newsletters regarding organised events;
  • for communication/marketing purposes to companies sponsoring the organised events;
  • for carrying out aggregate and anonymous statistics, in order to monitor and to improve the services provided and meet the needs of the data subject;
  • for the fulfilment of legal obligations.

Your personal data is mainly processed electronically. Your personal data will be stored in a form that permits your identification for as long as is strictly necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, within the limits of the law. To ensure that your personal data is always accurate and up-to-date, and in any case relevant and complete, please notify us of any changes at: Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or for purposes not in accordance with this policy. In addition, your data may be disclosed to the police or judicial authorities, in accordance with the law and upon formal request by such entities, for example as part of anti-fraud services.

Your data may be disclosed by CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION in the event that it believes that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce its Terms of Use or to protect its business or users. CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION in case of reorganisation, merger or sale may transfer to third parties involved in such operations all personal data collected and for the specific purposes for which you have given your consent. In all these cases your consent is not necessary. Your personal data may be disclosed to the public only with your consent and only within the scope of the provision of services through our portals. Your personal data may be transferred abroad only for the purposes strictly related to the use of the websites and information services and only for the purpose for which your data was obtained.

4. What happens if you do not communicate your personal data to CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION
The communication of your personal data to CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION and, in particular, of your personal data, your e-mail address, your postal address, your telephone number is necessary for participation in events and for the receipt of the newsletter and the provision of other services rendered on the websites at your request or when your data is necessary for the fulfilment of obligations deriving from laws or regulations. Any refusal to communicate to CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION certain of your data necessary for such purposes may make it impossible for CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION to provide the services through its web sites, such as, for example, sending you reminders, supplying you with information or printed material, sending you news about conventions, seminars, courses and calls for tenders, providing assistance services, correctly fulfilling legal and regulatory obligations. Failure to provide data may constitute, depending on the case, a legitimate and justified reason for CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION not to carry out or suspend the services requested by you. The communication to CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION of further data, other than essential data, for the purposes of performing its services is, instead, optional and does not entail any consequence for the use of the websites. Depending on the case and, if necessary, from time to time, CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION will inform you of the compulsory or optional nature of the communication of your personal data. We will highlight the compulsory or optional nature of the communication of your data by marking the information with an asterisk (*) to indicate that it is compulsory or only necessary for the provision of services on our portals. Please note that failure to provide optional personal data will result in no obligation or disadvantage.

5. To whom we disclose your personal data
Your personal data may be made available to third companies that process the data independently only for the purpose of carrying out the operations described and only when this purpose is not incompatible with the purposes for which your data were collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, in a manner that complies with the law. Any third party companies to which we will make such data available are client companies of the CALABRIA FILM COMMISSION FOUNDATION who, through the signing of contractual clauses, have provided adequate guarantees on the subsequent use of such data for the purposes for which your data were obtained (requests for information, requests for quotes, etc.). The data shall not be communicated, assigned or otherwise transferred to third parties without the users being informed in advance and, with their consent, when required by law.

6. How we collect your data on our portals
As part of the use and navigation of our portals, it may happen that some personal data is collected automatically (by means of so-called ‘cookies’), such as, for example, in the case of collection of the user’s IP address and other information relating to the user’s stay on the website or the preferences expressed by the user in choosing the services offered by the website. This information and data is collected directly and automatically by the website and as part of its own operation. For more details on how it works you can read our Cookie Information HERE.

7. Your rights
You have the following rights towards us with regard to personal data concerning you:

  • right to information;
  • right of rectification or cancellation;
  • right to restriction of processing;
  • right to data portability.

You can therefore find out what personal data we hold on you, where they come from and how they are used, request that they be updated, corrected or supplemented, and, in the cases provided for by the provisions in force, erased, restricted or oppose their processing. If you wish, you can request to receive the personal data we hold about you in an electronically readable format and, where technically feasible, we may transfer your data directly to a third party specified by you.

8. Storage times
Your data are retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes stated in this policy or until you request their deletion unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

9. Questions
If you have any general questions or suggestions on data protection, please contact us by post at the above address or by e-mail at

10. Possibility to report and/or complain to the Data Protection Authority
If the data subject considers that there has been a breach of the rules on the protection of personal data, he/she may, at any time, submit a report and/or complaint to the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali using whichever of the following methods he/she considers most appropriate: a) registered letter with advice of receipt addressed to the Italian Data Protection Authority, Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 00186 Rome; b) e-mail at:, or; c) fax to: 06/69677.3785. For details on how to submit the report and/or complaint and the payment of the relevant secretariat fee, the interested party should consult