About us

The Calabria Film Commission Foundation was established by Regional Law No. 1 of 11 January 2006. Its sole shareholder is the Region of Calabria.

The main aims of the Foundation are the promotion of the regional territory, its enhancement as a location for national and international film and audiovisual productions and the development of the local audiovisual industry.

Regional Law 21 of 21 June 2019 “Regional interventions for the cinema and audiovisual system in Calabria” entrusts the Foundation with the role of implementing body for all measures concerning the regional audiovisual and film sector: the planning of appropriate professional training, support for festivals and exhibitions, the protection of cinemas and the enhancement of the regional film heritage are added to the typical activities.

The incoming activity of national and international productions consists in the granting of economic contributions, see the calls and notices section, in the support to the search for local workers and artists, see the production guide section, in the location search, see the location guide section, and in the support to the pre-production phases and during filming also through the construction of public-private partnerships with local authorities, public and private subjects of the territory in order to implement services and facilities for the production companies engaged in Calabria.

The Foundation’s mission is complemented by intensive marketing and communication activities, including the organisation of events, participation in festivals, fairs, markets and sector meetings at national and international level.

The Calabria Film Commission Foundation is a member of Italian Film Commission and European Film Commission Network

Fondazione Calabria Film Commission Viale Europa, Località Germaneto – 88100, Catanzaro T: +39 0961 853836 info@calabriafilmcommission.it calabriafilmcommission@pec.it